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  • AKSIPS-41 Smart School Chandigarh

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 2630027)

  • Phone No. - +91- 172-5005541
    +91- 172-2626541

    Email - [email protected]

Principal's Message

  • Ms. Ritu Bali: AKSIPS 41 is a child centric school which seeks to nurture children into wholesome individuals who are skilled, knowledgeable and have the required life skills to meet the constantly changing challenges and needs of the world around them.

    Here they are given space and freedom to discover their true self and potential. Not pushing them into conformity is our Mantra. The school is also deeply committed to imparting value based education and preparing the children to be confident and fluent orators.

    The children are taught in a caring and supportive environment where our main focus is on making our children ready for the 21st century. The stress is on experiential learning that includes playway and hands-on learning through projects, practicals, labs and visits. The school follows a comprehensive and balanced curriculum to ensure that our children have clearly defined goals.

    Join us in this journey of exploration of your child at AKSIPS 41 and watch our children become joyful learners for life time.

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