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  • AKSIPS-41 Smart School Chandigarh

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 2630027)

  • Phone No. - +91- 172-5005541
    +91- 172-2626541

    Email - [email protected]


  • The School Health Club is a voluntary grouping at the school level in which students meet under the supervision of their teachers to learn, discuss and take action on issues related to their health and wellbeing whilst they are in school.

    Some activities undertaken by the club are:

    • Awareness drives in which students are sensitized about personal hygiene and community sanitation.
    • Plantation in the school and the neighbourhood as trees produce clean air by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
    • Encourage the students to practice the 3Rs -refuse, reuse and recycle.
    • Ban one time use plastic products in the school.
    • Hand wash techniques
    • Seminar on menstrual hygiene for girls

    To promote health in children the club has introduced the following:

    • Light exercises early in the morning.
    • Imparting information about various diseases prevailing in a particular duration of year and their various preventive steps.
    • Monitoring the nutrition of food items being sold in the school canteen.
    • Conducting first aid classes to impart basic information and application of first aid.
    • Engaging students daily for about 40 minutes in any physical activity of choice from plethora of options like football, skating, basketball, kho-kho, judo, badminton, handball, table tennis etc.
    • Celebration of different food days to promote the habit of intake of all types of nutritious food items.
    • Conducting various workshops on Adolescent Education Programmes and dealing with their emotional problems.
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