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  • AKSIPS-41 Smart School Chandigarh

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 2630027)

  • Phone No. - +91- 172-5005541
    +91- 172-2626541

    Email - [email protected]


  • Communication, which plays a key role in the efficient management of an organization, must be speedy, straightforward, and transparent. An app based on user understanding is a must for every educational institution.

    The school App facilitates smooth and instant communication for active parent involvement. Attendance is marked via this app and is uploaded online for parents and administration to see. The homework can be allotted and parents can be updated for the same. Automated results can be obtained which makes it a great aid for teachers. Also, there is a provision of an online diary which can keep records of students and other information as well. Marks can also be shared with parents. Furthermore, online fees can be paid via this App.

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