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  • AKSIPS-41 Smart School Chandigarh

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 2630027)

  • Phone No. - +91- 172-5005541
    +91- 172-2626541

    Email - [email protected]

Pledge on CORONA Virus





    I ______________commit to be vigilant and bear in mind at all times, the risk to myself and my colleagues from COVID-19.

    I promise to take all necessary precautions that prevent the spread of this deadly virus. I promise to follow and encourage others to follow the key COVID Appropriate Behaviours.

    To always wear a mask / face cover, especially when in public places.

    To maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet from others

    To wash my hands, frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.

    Together we will win this fight against COVID-19.



Online Admission