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  • AKSIPS-41 Smart School Chandigarh

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 2630027)

  • Phone No. - +91- 172-5005541
    +91- 172-2626541

    Email - [email protected]



    The school boasts of an active guidance and counselling cell for the students.  The children can drop in their queries or doubts in the suggestion boxes placed on every floor, which are immediately taken care of by the counsellor. The Principal and the counsellor work together towards providing timely counselling to the students. The cell works actively to impart life skills and values to the children at all levels.

    Collaboration with parents in the best interest of students is a key activity of the school counsellor. Regular counselling sessions of the parents are conducted to help them understand the issues faced by their children especially the adolescents and the teenagers. Suggestions are given to deal with the issues at hand in the most effective manner.

    External agencies and various Indian and foreign universities counsellors are invited to impart career counselling for the students of classes IX to XII.


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