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  • AKSIPS-41 Smart School Chandigarh

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 2630027)

  • Phone No. - +91- 172-5005541
    +91- 172-2626541

    Email - [email protected]


  • Dance is a good entertainment enjoyed by all the students. It develops their confidence and helps remove the stage fear. Different styles of dances are taught. The students get to showcase their dancing abilities in the school functions and competitions.

    AKSIPS nurtures students who are musically inclined through this club. Besides accommodating and cultivating a diverse range of musical tastes, the club also provides voice-coaching, sessions in musical notation and opportunities to learn to play instruments. The school has a choir. The students learn alankars, bhajan etc. The primary objective is to make students aware of the importance of music in our daily life.

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